It may be a contentious subject amongst liquor connoisseurs, but the science doesn’t lie; adding emaa blending water to your spirits will work wonders by releasing even more flavour and depth in colour
Adding emaa blending water to your drink actually open up any brand of whiskey / Rum Gin/Vodka in some fairly compelling ways due to its hexagonal in structure with negative charged electrons.
emaa blending water boosts the concentration of flavour compounds at the surface of the drink when it is poured, bringing more of those rich aromatics to the nose as we sip.
When small amount of emaa blending water is sipped and rinsed thoroughly after your drink entire flavour is swept into the stomach. Due to rich in hydrogen and micro cluster water molecules makes easy absorption of malt or grain sticked in mouth.
Emaa blending water is highly viscous in nature hence mix in the ratio of 1:3 to enjoy all the benefits or as desired by individual choice